At ShmooCon over the weekend, I gave the first public demonstration of Ubertooth One, a smaller and more powerful Ubertooth hardware platform. I also announced the beginning of a pledge period on Kickstarter that allows anyone to take part in the first production run of commercially available Ubertooth Ones. If you would like an Ubertooth One of your own, I encourage you to consider building one or making a pledge on Kickstarter. Thank you for your support and for helping to spread the word!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Ubertooth One on Kickstarter
Friday, January 07, 2011
Ubertooth video and news
Video of Ubertooth Zero, a preview, my talk at ToorCon 12, is now online (part 1, part 2). This includes the first public demonstration of Bluetooth sniffing with the platform. Since ToorCon, I've been working hard on Ubertooth One hardware and software. I've had to work through some production delays and errors with Ubertooth One circuit boards, but I have a good feeling about the next revision which is in production now.
I am excited to announce that my talk, Project Ubertooth: Building a Better Bluetooth Adapter has been accepted for ShmooCon 2011. This will be a longer presentation telling the complete story of the development of Project Ubertooth and demonstrating new capabilities of the platform (hopefully with working Ubertooth One prototypes). ToorCon was a preview, but ShmooCon will be the big debut.
I posted a new file release of the Ubertooth project repository tonight. This includes the new bluetooth_rxtx firmware that is starting to resemble my vision for the USB interface. The host code doesn't do much more than the ToorCon demo at this point, but quite a bit has been done to enable future enhancements.