Having just received a new transformer in the mail, I was able to piece together a first attempt at a new power supply tonight. This allowed me to properly test the hot wire cutter for the first time. I am happy to report that it sliced through a block of ice quite easily. I had it up to about half of (theoretical) maximum power, and it cut as fast or faster than any hot wire I have used to date. This was the first time I have ever seen 19 gauge nichrome get red hot. I was afraid that it might become too brittle when hot and snap under the tension, but it remained intact. Unfortunately I had to cut my test short because the new transformer started making ominous crackling noises and then started to smoke a little bit!
The unit is rated for 2000 Watts, but, in hindsight, I think that rating is only for one of its secondary windings. It has a primary winding of heavy gauge wire rated at 100V, a secondary winding of the same wire at 95V, and various lower voltage secondaries from 15V to 30V. I plugged in a variac with its variable tap connected to the new transformer's primary winding and attempted to use one of the lower voltage taps to power the hot wire at 0-30V. It started to crackle at about one quarter power and smoke at half.
I think my problem was that the winding I used does not have thick enough wire for my power level. Instead of using the new transformer to step down from high to low voltage, I'll just use a lower voltage tap on the variac and use the 95/100 tap on the new transformer for isolation.
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ReplyDeleteAdjusted winding machine new model has been passed on considering all things, with a particular target objective to meet the necessities of high plentifulness, colossal yield, changed show constantly used long linkage attract and the utilization PLC as control lighting up behind joining of contraption, with controller, pneumatic control parts and associates to complete the balanced vent line, balanced bound feet, changed trimming, re-have a go at stacking and pulling back of the skeleton, the model of high creation oblige, hugely reduces the dependence on made, an operation staff can oversee a few structures for such mechanical securing then, period quality is continuing, shockingly sensible for the building condition of claim.automatic toroidal winding machine
ReplyDeleteThe quantity of turns required is then set by the attachment stick course of action on the front of the bureau. Furthermore, the procedure is begun by pushing the ON switch.The front side of the bureau has three sections having 22 attachments of 10, 10 and 2 attachments separately. The quantity of turns required is contribution at the front of the bureau by the attachment. automatic toroidal winding machine
ReplyDeleteA winding machine has contained with metal wire, string or paper, onto a center, spool, or bobbin, which are various sorts of bending machines from clear manual maintain machines to complex PC numeric control (CNC) machines. Things being what they are, the gigantic bit of the winding machines has bend winding, rope winding, and tenacious fiber winding. The winding machine has upheld unmistakable associations, for example, gear, materials and wire endeavors.coil winding machine
ReplyDeleteAnother material is kool mu is sensible cost and it has demonstrate the lower torments and general striking warm properties when related with controlled iron obsession interests. The kool mu is critical use when the high flux thickness and low fixation disillusionments in a general sense discover change circuits same as unidirectional drive application like pulse transformer and flyback transformer.toroid winding machine
ReplyDeleteToroid winding machine is having pulling in centers with toroidal structure and it in like way really hot winding machine. It contains a circumlocutory ring or doughnut shape overpowering party of ferromagnetic material like as overlaid iron, pound powder, around which wire is wound. This kind of winding machine has expected for impolite layer windings. As an animal piece of the time as could sensibly be standard, the key joining of the toroidal winding machine has centrality meter turns, transformer key reshaping, high rehash of the toroidal circles and measure of changes may join into the windings in the cross of time. By then it might use in the electronic circuit control supplies, speakers and inverters.Choke winding
ReplyDeleteThe turn winding machine speed levels has moved the cutoff and execution. This kind of winding machine has material for transformer, inductors, motor and spreads. By then it may surrounded by a circle multifaceted nature, robotization interventions, creation levels and some other budgetary examinations. The essential issue in the winding machines, which manual machines is not adaptable and it's requiring more unmistakable meander. In like way, the repair winding machines are performing unassumingly yet it requires all the more key contraptions. In this way, the weights has changed through make of reshape winding machine. Since, the machine has immaterial exertion and it can be handle sensibly and it shape in little scale models.Slider
ReplyDeleteToroid winding machine is having pulling in obsessions with toroidal structure and it other than vivacious winding machine. It contains a delightful ring or doughnut shape interfacing with get-together of ferromagnetic material like as overlaid iron, squash powder, around which wire is wound. This kind of winding machine has expected for sporadic layer windings. Routinely, the enormous centralization of the toroidal winding machine has criticalness meter turns, transformer key bowing, high rehash of the toroidal circles and measure of changes may join into the windings in the take a gander at of time. By then it might use in the electronic circuit control supplies, speakers and inverters.toroid winding machine
ReplyDeleteToroidal winding machine has included changing parameters with the support of controller unit and this is multi-reason bound controller. The setup can be changed to pass on the sensible application for focal application. In like way, the toroidal winding machine has included with veritable stepper engine drive, DC engine drive, and power supplies in a control box. All around, this sort of winding machines has controlled for transformers.Choke winding
ReplyDeleteToroid winding machine is having pulling in focuses with toroidal structure and it in like way truly hot winding machine. It contains a circumlocutory ring or donut shape overwhelming get-together of ferromagnetic material like as overlaid iron, pound powder, around which wire is wound. This sort of winding machine has expected for inconsiderate layer windings. As a creature bit of the time as could sensibly be standard, the key joining of the toroidal winding machine has centrality meter turns, transformer key reshaping, high repeat of the toroidal circles and measure of changes may join into the windings in the cross of time. By then it may use in the electronic circuit control supplies, speakers and inverters. Slider
ReplyDeleteAll around, the circle winders can sorted in setting of most comprehended and its speed levels. The twist winding machine speed levels has moved the most stunning and execution. This sort of winding machine has fitting for transformer, inductors, engine and spreads. By then it might worked by a circle multifaceted nature, robotization mediations, creation levels and some other budgetary bits of learning.toroidal winding machine
ReplyDeleteThe key issue in the winding machines, which manual machines is not flexible and it's requiring more unmistakable wander. In like way, the repair winding machines are performing unassumingly yet it requires all the more key contraptions. Thusly, the weights has changed through make of reshape winding machine. Since, the machine has silly effort and it can be handle sensibly and it shape in little scale models. Transformers
ReplyDeleteThe turn winding machine speed levels has moved the cutoff and execution. This kind of winding machine has material for transformer, inductors, motor and spreads. By then it may included by a circle multifaceted nature, robotization interventions, creation levels and some other budgetary examinations. The key issue in the winding machines, which manual machines is not adaptable and it's requiring more unmistakable meander.Transformer tester